International School & Cup
in Informatics "Junior"


All School participants receive a certificate of participation

The best participants of the School on the sum of all training contests receive a diploma, information about them is posted on the School portal.

Regular awards ISIJ (see Regulation):

1 - Diploma Winner and Prize Winner for Math, Coder and Qualification tours.

2 - Diplomaand Grand Gold Medal of the best students of the School of the year according to the 5contests in School (Determines IOC and STC by participant rating).

3 - Medalists of the Cup in the individual ranking on the Marathon tour, gold, silver and bronze medals (see Regulation).

4 - Diplomaand command medal - gold, silver and bronze Teams of the Cup” (Estafette).

5 - Champion gold medal “Champion of Marathon” (by all rating of Marathon tour).

Special awards ISIJ:

1 - Gift “The youngest student of the School”(The best among the youngest participants),

2 - Gift “The most successful girl of the School contests” (in all 5 contests and ISIJ-Cup).

3 - Diploma ”The best student in each team of the country” (in all 5 contests and ISIJ-Cup)

4 - Diploma “Top 3 teams of countries” (1-2-3 seats, the best average score in teams for all 5 contests and ISIJ-Cup) and Diploma coaches this teams.