STC and Scientific Directors develops Rules for training contests, prepare contests, theoretical seminars and lectures on the IOI-oriented syllabus for Level -A and on the EJOI-oriented syllabus for Level -B respectively.
Chairman of the Scientific-Technical Committee of ISIJ Russian group / Chairman of Jury Cup-ISIJ Nikolai Anatolyevich Borisov, Russia, Dr.Nizhny Novgorod state University. N. And. Lobachevsky, the team leader of the juniors team of ISIJ-Russia on IATI. Team Leader ICPC (absolutely champion ICPC 2021). E-mail: |
Official chairman IATI for cooperation with ISIJ, Shumen Biserka Yovcheva, Bulgaria, Bulgarian Shumanov University, Head of the Organizing Committee Of the international Informatics tournament in Shumen-IATI: E-mail: |
Official curator of cooperation Olympiads «Innopolis Open» and ISIJ, Innopolis University, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia Evgeny Serochudinov Head of Pre-University, Admission and Student Affairs Center Innopolis University, President FSP of Republic Tatarstan (Federation of Sports Programming). |
Member of STC |
Member of STC, Deputy Chairman Kinder Mikhail Ivanovich, Russia, Kazan Federal University, associate Professor of higher mathematics and mathematical modeling, Institute of mathematics and mechanics. N. So. Lobachevsky. The team curator of the Lyceum of KFU in ISIJ E-mail: |
Member STC ISIJ and Jury of Robot-round ISIJ Petrenko Eduard Ottovich, chairmen Robot center Fiztekh - Land, coach Robofest teams, expert of contests in Robotics. E-mail: |
Member of STC, a member of the ISIJ Cup jury Jing Jin, China, supervising coach of the Chinese team at ISIJ. E-mail: |
Member of the STC Pankov Pavel, Kyrgyzstan, the head of the team of Kyrgyzstan on IOI, Doctor of physics and mathematics, Professor, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyzstan. E-mail: Site: |
Member of the STC, JURY CUP ISIJ memeber Kuznetsov Alexander, Russia, Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State university, Institute of IT, mathematics and mechanic. |
Member of the STC Khuder Altangerel, Mongolia PhD, (Computer science). Professor at Mongolian University of Science and Technology. Deputy team-Leader IOI. E-mail: |
Member of the STC Devin Dissanayake, Sri Lanka University of Colombo School of Computing, Sri Lanka. Treasurer of ACM Student Chapter of UCSC 2021/2022. E-mail: |
STC memeber, JURY CUP ISIJ memeber Protchenko Alexey, Russia, Mordovia, Saransk. Teacher in Informatics the heist category, Republican Lyceum #1. E-mail: |
STC memeber, JURY CUP ISIJ memeber Buslavsky Alexander, Belarus, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Discrete Mathematics and Algorithmics of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics of the Belarusian State University. E-mail: |
STC memeber Beyaeva Olga, Russian Federation, Republic of Tatarstan, Innopolis city. E-mail: |